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[Mad] The Legion of Mad Fellowz
  • Recruiting PvPers of all ranks/classes/ages/etc. Casuals ok.

  • Also Recruting Leaders (Generals). If interested let me know. I'll promote you to Gladiator right away & if you are still interested within a week I'll promote you to General. I'll help you recruit & let the guild know what is going on. Some leader spots include, but are not limited to:

  1. tpvp/spvp event do'er- You can do things more spontaneous like me, or have set days. You can decide if you want a consistent team, or if you will accept every one & just be general. May need to recruit if you want a specific team.

  2. Recruiter -Help Recruit. This guild is going to be around ~50 people. All NA servers welcome. You may pug in the mist/various cities but not excessively. It is also a good idea to talk to people and invite various friends. You may hit the forums if you so choose as well.

  3. WvW event do'er- we are small so you will likely have to work around that & help recruit a bit. You may choose the dynamics of the group & how casual or not you want to make it.

[Stfu]Special tactical fighting unit
  • A few test bounties have been completed. More to come + unlocking regular bounties and guild missions.


[Luv] Brain Eaters inc
  • Brain eaters is really close to getting our test bounty. We can techically put it in the queue now, but I would like to wait until we accumulate a bit more influence. Stay tuned for test bounty adventures, likely to happen on Saturdays.

  • Recruiting All types of players. We especially need decent people to help with the guild.

  • Recruiting Dedicated Leaders & officers. If you are interested I'll promote you to Member right away & if you are still interested in about a week I'll promote you to leader (event person) or an officer (general guild stuff). I can help with recruiting & letting guild members know what you are up to. Current spots are not limited to the following:

  1. FOTM Leader- lead FOTM runs. You can be seasoned or willing to learn with people. You can pick which days you want to run & the structure of your team.

  2. Dungeon Leader- Run various dungeons with people. You can have a schedule that tends to vary like me, or a more consistent one. You may have to pug until we recruit enough people.

  3. Recruiter (officer) - Guild is not to exceed ~100 people. You may pug, but not excessively. Talking to people & inviting friends is good. You may also hit the forums.

  4. pvp (leader)- wvw or spvp events. Probably would be more on a casual basis since we also have the guild that is specifically spvp/tpvp. You can focus on wvw if you wish. You can be creative.

  5. Social Events (officer or leader)- You can be especially creative here when coming up with various social events to help people get to know each other. This could also include being  a missions leader if you want to focus on that. We would need to grind influence & more members for some ideas. It will take time to find good people, but hopefully it will be done.


[UGGs] Ultimate Girl gammers

  • the guild has ~10 people right now & is steadily growing. UGGs is currently recruiting more females from all North American Servers.

  • From Sept-Dec I am going to be completing my last semester. I have a full load + other stuff I do, so I will be very busy. I'll still play some times, but I won't be able to commit to making events. I'll recruit a little & try to show up to events. I'll outline my plans for December when I am done with school (finallY). Also during winter break I might be able to make an event or two for [luv] and [mad]

  • [LUV]- I am going to get rid of the 'theme days," because we do not really have enough active people to make it worth it. Instead I'll go back to planing various events in advance. I'll give a few days to a week notice as to what the event is (mostly pve stuff possibly some wvwvw here & there). I do not like to stop real life for gaming life thus the some what short notice. However I will post events in as many places as possible (twitter, fb, here, stfu site, message of the days).

  • [MAD]-I am going to try to organize us for tpvp once or twice a week. I'll post the day/time a week to a few days in advance. I'll try to have the day & time be some what consistent.

  • [Uggs]- I really like the idea of Uggs. I am not a leader of this guild, but I was thinking I would try to do some type of event there once every other week or so. In this case, since I do not have the website posted on the guild message, I will likely message the people in the guild. The events will mostly be pvp related, but some times I'll do a dungeon day.

  • [STFU]- The general plan is to continue as I have been with STFU. I'll try to attend their events. I do not think I'll have enough time to make events in Luv and Mad and occassinally Uggs, to make specific events here. I will encourage spontaneous stuff here though.

  • [GK] I have no plans with GK. Actually their guild message right now says that they are dead and to find another guild. It kind of sucks because they came along way, but I guess no one wants to do any thing with it any more. If that is still the case in Dec I will probably drop them from this site, and try to find another "friendly/alliance" guild.

  • IF you have a fb plz like us :)


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